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Workshop on statistical properties of chaotic dynamics in and out of equilibrium

08/19/2024 - 08/23/2024
Big Lecture Hall, Rényi Institute


The workshop aims to bring together experts working on the non-equilibrium properties and related phenomena arising in chaotic dynamical systems. This includes, among others, statistical properties, systems with multiple time scales, thermodynamic formalism, open systems, non-stationary dynamics, random dynamics, and other aspects of transient behaviour.


Link to the registration page:

Registration is open until 10 August 2024. After registration, we will notify you within two weeks whether your application has been accepted.

The sooner you register, the better. The workshop takes place during the top touristic season in Budapest, so accommodation prices can be expected to increase dramatically with time.


!!NEW!! Limited financial support for accommodation is available for students and postdocs. Accommodation is provided in 2-bed rooms. Applications should be submitted as soon as possible but not later than March 31, 2024. Applications should be sent by email to including CV and list of publications. Please also indicate your gender, which we need to know because of the 2-bed rooms. Applicants should also arrange for a short letter of recommendation to be sent to the same email address by a faculty member, preferably the advisor/mentor. Please note that those who are supported are expected to attend the whole event. Accommodation is normally supported from Sunday to Saturday at most.

IMPORTANT! If you have already applied for accommodation support for the duration of the connecting "School on probabilistic aspects of hyperbolic dynamical systems"
(12 August 2024 - 16 August 2024), and you would like to extend this to the duration of the workshop, just write a short message - there is no need to resend the application material. However, decision about the extension will still be made case by case, limited by the budget.

If you don't need financial support, but you would like our administration to help you with booking (at possibly discounted prices), please write to Mrs. Ildikó Bogáti: 


There will be a poster session where participants of the workshop can present their work.
If you wish to contribute a poster, please send a prospective title and abstract by email to 
no later than May 20, 2024. Decision about the accepted contributions will be made by June 15, 2024. We will notify you by email.


Peter Balint (BME)
Peter Nandori (Yeshiva University),
Francoise Pene (University Brest),
Domokos Szasz (BME)
Imre Peter Toth (BME)

Invited Speakers

José Alves (University of Porto)
Wael Bahsoun (Loughborough Univ UK)
Mark Demers (Fairfield University, USA)
Carl P. Dettmann (University of Bristol, UK)
Gary Froyland (Univ of New South Wales, Australia)
Cecilia Gonzalez Tokman (UQ, Australia)
Yuri Kifer (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, Israel) 
Péter Koltai (University of Bayreuth, Germany)
Alexey Korepanov (Loughborough University, UK)
Marco Lenci (Università di Bologna, Italy)
Carlangelo Liverani (Univ degli studi di RTV)
Ian Melbourne (University of Warwick, UK)
Matthew Nicol )University of Houston, USA)
Benoît Saussol (Aix Marseille Université, France)
Tanja Schindler (Jagiellonian University, Krakow)
Matteo Tanzi (King's College London, UK)
Tamás Tél (Inst of Physics and Astronomy, ELTE, Bp)  
Dalia Terhesiu (Leiden University, Netherlands)
Mike Todd (St Andrews, UK)
Lai-Sang Young (New York University, USA (unconf)
Jonathan De Witt (University of Maryland)
Hongkun Zhang (Univ of Massachusetts Amherst, USA)
Roland Zweimüller (University of Vienna)

