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03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025
Erdős Center
The subject of the true workshop: applying methods and results developed in recent years to prove central limit theorems for random walks in so-called divergence-free random environments...
03/28/2025 - 03/28/2025
Rényi Institute, Main Lecture Hall
This series of events is jointly organised by the community of probabilists -- in a very wide sense -- of Vienna (IST, TUW, UW) and Budapest (BME, ELTE, HUN-REN ARIM).
03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025
Rényi Institute, Main Lecture Hall
The school and conference will be devoted to the most diverse aspects of group theory and geometry in their broadest sense.
04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025
Rényi Institute, Main Lecture Hall
The school and workshop will be devoted to the most diverse aspects of group theory and geometry in their broadest sense.
05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025
Erdős Center
The participants of this workshop will aim to apply new mathematical tools (some of which were developed by the attendees themselves) to advance the theory of ARW (Activated Random Walk) in the context of discrete probability.
06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025
Erdős Center
Group actions and equivalence relations lie at the intersections of several active research fields, such as descriptive set theory, measurable and topological dynamics, and Borel combinatorics, among others. This workshop will bring together several leading experts in these topics as well as some early-career participants. We will compile a list of potential projects (proposed by both the participants and the organizers) and work on them in groups during the event.