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The Interactive Workshop

06/19/2023 - 06/23/2023
Rényi Institute


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The themes of this workshop will be both low dimensional topology and singularity theory, and their interactions (whence the name of the workshop). The workshop is part of the research semester "Singularities and low dimensional topology" at the Erdős Center. 

At the following links you can download:

The conference will include a lecture series by Matthew Stoffregen.
Below is the list of speakers. Click on their name to access the recording of their talks.


Javier Fernández de Bobadilla
Marco Marengon
András Némethi
András Stipsicz
Zoltán Szabó
Vera Vértesi

Invited Speakers

Tamás Ágoston
İnanç Baykur
Maciej Borodzik
Pablo Portilla Cuadrado
Gergő Schefler
Tanushree Shah
Baldur Sigurðsson
Matthew Stoffregen
Zoltán Szabó
Jiajun Yan

