Deformation of Complex Singularities and Related Topics
01/12/2025 - 01/17/2025
Rényi Institute, Main Lecture Hall
The 1st joint workshop of Seoul National University and Renyi Institute will take place on 12th-17th January 2024. The conference will focus on selected topics in complex algebraic geometry and low-dimensional topology.
The schedule and the list of titles and abstracts are available.

Speakers include:
- Cheolhyun CHO (Seoul National University)
- Dongwook CHOA (Institute for Basic Science - Center for Geometry and Physics)
- DongSeon HWANG (Institute for Basic Science - Center for Complex Geometry)
- Alex HOF (Rényi Institute)
- Woohyeok JO (Seoul National University)
- Seung-Jo JUNG (Jeonbuk National University)
- JongHae KEUM (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
- László KOLTAI (Rényi Institute)
- Alexander KUBASCH (Rényi Institute)
- Jua LEE (Seoul National University)
- Kyoung-Seog LEE (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
- Yongnam LEE (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology)
- András NÉMETHI (Rényi Institute)
- Kyungbae PARK (Kangwon National University)
- Gergő SCHEFLER (Rényi Institute)
- Dongsoo SHIN (Chungnam National University)