Workshop: Graphs, Groups, Stochastic Processes
05/16/2022 - 05/20/2022
Erdős Center
The workshop focuses on discrete structures and their limits. This is an active area of research that connects discrete mathematics with ergodic theory, stochastic processes, spectral theory, measured group theory and various branches of analysis and topology.
Invited speakers:
- Ágnes Backhausz (Rényi Institute)
- Matthew Bowen (McGill University)
- Peter Csikvari (Renyi Institute)
- Damien Gaboriau (ENS Lyon)
- Pál Galicza (Rényi Institute)
- Diego Gonzalez-Sanchez (Rényi Institute)
- Lukasz Grabowski (Universität Leipzig)
- Andrzej Grzesik (Jagiellonian University)
- Aranka Hrusková (Rényi Institute)
- Max Hahn-Klimroth (TU Dortmund)
- Dan Kral (Masaryk University)
- Dániel Keliger (Rényi Institute)
- Oleg Pikhurko (University of Warwick)
- Mustazee Rahman (Durham University)
- Balázs Ráth (Rényi Institute/BME)
- Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam)
- Justin Salez (Université Paris-Dauphine & PSL)
- Márton Szőke (BME)
- László Márton Tóth (Rényi Institute)
- Jan Volec (Czech Technical University)

Application is now open. Application deadline: March 14, 2022.
Link to the registration web-form of the Workshop: