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Stochastics and Influences Workshop

06/30/2025 - 07/02/2025
Erdős Center


Puffins attending mathematics university lecture
(created by Pikaso)

The aim of the workshop is to celebrate the impact of the work of Bálint Tóth on the occasion of his 70th birthday. The focus of the workshop is on research topics that are close to Bálint's interests and the speakers are (mostly) his former students and younger collaborators whose work form the branches of the mathematical family tree of Bálint.  Topics of the workshop include the large-scale behaviour of stochastic and dynamical systems inspired by the questions of statistical physics.


Márton Balázs
Laure Dumaz
Illés Horváth
Gábor Pete
Balázs Ráth
Anna Rudas
Benedek Valkó
Bálint Vető

Invited Speakers

Márton Balázs
Péter Bálint
Ofer Busani
Edward Crane
Laure Dumaz
Tyler Helmuth
Illés Horváth
Jessica Jay
Daniel Kious
Júlia Komjáthy
Christopher Lutsko
Gábor Pete
Miklós Z. Rácz
Balázs Ráth
Károly Simon
Domokos Szász
Imre Péter Tóth
Benedek Valkó
Bálint Vető


Manan Bhatia
Sudeshna Bhattacharjee
Gady Kozma
Stefano Olla

