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Focused Workshop on Moffat's Magnetic Relaxation Problem

07/03/2023 - 07/07/2023
Erdős Center


Woltjer proposed magnetic helicity conservation as an explanation of the observation that various astrophysical plasmas tend to evolve toward a force-free state. Woltjer suggested the variational problem of minimizing total energy under the constraint that magnetic helicity is xed, and he computed formally that the minimizers are, indeed, force-free. Woltjer's problem can be seen as a lower bound to the more geometric variational problem proposed independently by Arnold and Moffatt: minimizing the total energy among those vectorfields which arise from push-forward under a volume-preserving diffeomorphism. The purpose of this focussed workshop is to review the available recent literature and explore connections between the h-principle and magnetic relaxation. For instance: what minimal level of regularity of the vectorfield would suffice to obtain minimizers (inmizers) of the Arnold-Moffat problem? One particular example to look at is the question of what regularity is obtained in Zeldovich's neutron star?


Laszlo Szekelyhidi (Max Planck Institute)


Invited Speakers


Miklós Abért (Renyi Institute)
Zoltán Balogh (Mathematisches Institut UNIBE)
Yann Brenier (Ecole Polytechnique Paris/CNRS
Daniel Faraco (Universidad Autonoma Madrid)
Matteo Giardi (Max Planck Institute, Leipzig)
Lukas Hauger (Max Planck Institute, Leipzig)
Dániel Kelinger (Renyi Institute)
Gergely Kiss (Renyi Institute)
József Kolumbán (Renyi Institute)
Sauli Lindberg (Helsingin Yliopisto)
Balázs Maga (Renyi Institute)
Fran Mengual (Max Planck Institute, Leipzig)
Tobias Ried (Max Planck Institute, Leipzig)
Sandra Ried (Universität Leipzig)
Alexander Shnirelman (Concordia University)
Dániel Virosztek (Renyi Institute)


