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Call for Proposals for Simons Semesters at the Erdős Center (Jan 2027 - June 2028)

The Erdős Center runs programs in two Semesters. Spring Semester runs from January to June, and Fall Semester runs from August to December. See for running and planned Semesters.

A proposal for a Semester Program should be written in such a way that the members of the Scientific Advisory Board get a clear picture of the state of the art and the aims of the program. The Institute is open for all areas of mathematics.

Each program includes two Workshops of approximately 40 participants, and two related Schools. Occasionally, a semester is split into two mini-semesters, each consisting of one Workshop and one School. Each School is hosting approximately 40-80 PhD students/post docs, whose accomodation is covered by the Erdős Center, and some travel grants are also offered. In addition, the Erdős Center covers accommodation for the invited speakers of Schools and Workshops (about 4 speakers each).

During a Semester program, short and intense informal Focused Workshops and a regular Seminar are organized, and held at the Erdős Center.

For each semester, 2-3 post doc researchers - selected by the organizers via an open call - are invited, and the post docs are offered a one year contract. 

Application method

Before starting to prepare a proposal, we advise you to contact the Director of the Erdős Center via We recommend a proposal (one page, possibly 2 pages without the CVs) to contain the following key items:

  • title page with title, the list of approximately 4 organizers (preference is given to proposals including a female organizer)
  • CVs of organizers
  • proposed time slot
  • brief description of the overall aims of the Semester program
  • core topics of the Semester Program, important developments and goals
  • planned activities (2 workshops, 2 Schools) and a list of possible additional organizers beyond the organizers of the Semester for these activities

Please, submit your proposal to

Deadline to submit a proposal for a Semester long program running between January 2027 and December 2027 is May 4, 2025. Decision about the proposals is announced by June 13, 2025.

Publication date