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Simons Semester in Analysis and Geometry on Complex Manifolds - 2025 Fall (Aug-Dec)

Organizers Tamás Darvas, László Lempert, Gábor Székelyhidi, Róbert Szőke, Adriano Tomassini
Date 08/01/2025 - 12/31/2025

The primary theme of this special research semester is to explore recent advancements in the theory of complex manifolds, with a focus on both Kählerian and non-Kählerian cases. The semester will begin with a two-week summer school. In the first week, we aim to provide junior participants with foundational training in Calabi-Yau theory within complex geometry. The second week will delve into more advanced topics. Following the summer school, we will host two workshops: one dedicated to Kähler geometry, and the other to non-Kählerian geometry.

Regarding specific research directions, on the classical Kählerian side, we plan to engage in discussions on non-Archimedean aspects of the SYZ conjecture, pluripotential theoretic approaches to singular Kähler-Einstein metrics, and Calabi-Yau metrics on non-compact manifolds. On the non-Kählerian side, key topics will include cohomological properties of complex and symplectic manifolds, analytic techniques in non-Kähler geometry, almost-complex and symplectic structures, deformations of complex objects, topological aspects of complex and symplectic manifolds, and Hodge theory on almost-Hermitian manifolds.

Tamás Darvas (University of Maryland)
László Lempert (Purdue University)
Gábor Székelyhidi (Northwestern University)
Róbert Szőke (Eötvös L. University-Rényi Institute)
Adriano Tomassini (Università di Parma)